Deadliest Catch

What is Deadliest Catch?

Deadliest Catch is a tower defense game with high quality FPS and hitbox detection.

Once a level is selected, the player can choose a unit (fisherman, spearman, or boatman) to place anywhere on the river side. These units have specialized effects, and the player must choose what combination of them most effectively stops the oncoming fish from reaching the end of the river! The game is played at 60 frames per second, which makes gameplay extremely smooth and responsive.

The How

  • Developed in 2-week milestones, akin to Agile Sprints
  • Implemented software design patterns like singletons
  • Utilized Object-oriented Programming (OOP) principles
    • Polymorphism
    • Inheritance
  • Game engine code
    • Robust frame system
      • Allowing to freely adjust the frames per second (FPS)
      • Up to 90 FPS
      • Much smoother feel
    • Pixel precision for hitboxes and placement as opposed to other teams’ tile system
      • More freedom for the player
      • More strategic placement of units
      • Faster feedback for combat

My Role

My responsibilities on the team:

  • Designed and programmed game engine code
  • Directed game’s thematics
  • Reviewed teammates’ pull requests
  • Troubleshooted team’s Git issues


Deadliest Catch was created by Charlie Liu, Amal Chaudry, Morris Wan, Tina Nguyen, and Swati Murugappan in CS 2340: Objects and Design.