Wheeler Model UN’s New Website!

Recently, my friend Diego asked me to create a new website from scratch for his club, Model UN. Here’s the link. In the process, I learned a lot about the intricacies of how Github Pages works and learned to use Jekyll’s Ruby-gem based system. At first, I was intimidated by all the new, foreign terminology I had learn, but after hours of just watching the same tutorials over and over again, I finally had a fundamental understanding of how git works and how I can navigate the repository system.

More than that, this page in particular taught me much more about CSS, and more specifically, Bootstrap. I’ve always struggled with the idea of constructing an entire site from scratch, and for this website, I decided to use a template to help first guide me into creating clean websites.

While the template did help, at the end of the day, I had to make the template my own, meaning I had create my own pages and posts, changing specific css in order for the website to fit within my vision. Now, I feel much more comfortable editing my own css and manipulating html elements.

I also learned to write lines in Markdown and YAML. This page is written in Markdown! Markdown is incredibly easy to pick up because it’s whole point is to be just like writing prose. YAML, on the other hand, was a bit harder to grasp. It’s mainly acts as data files where I can store strings and references to certain sites and other important information.

Overall, while creating this website certainly did not make me a skilled front-end developer, it has made me very comfortable editing and reading website code, which I plan to further expanding in the future.