Dog Days


Dog Days is a complete 3D social simulation game, inspired by games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. You play as two dogs, Kali and Kobe. Utilize each dog’s unique traits to complete quests around the neighborhood! It’s a great game for when you want to relax to some peaceful music and just walk around like you don’t have a care in the world.

The How

  • Made this game with the Unity game engine and C#
  • Had team members dedicated to working on creating:
    • Original music
    • Fabricating 3D models
    • Coding game systems
  • Game Systems
    • Types
      • Quest
      • Inventory
      • Movement
      • Dialogue
    • Major Patterns and Concepts Used
      • Singletons
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
  • Over 10 weeks, we worked on one-week Agile sprints, with weekly meetings and demos

There was so much to be done, and I’m very proud of our team for managing to create a fleshed-out 3D social simulation game within 10 weeks during a rough, Covid-era semester.

My Role

Dog Days is a Spring 2021 vgDev game that I created and led. I was the vgDev Team Lead. I created this game over winter break the semester before Spring 2021. I pitched the game to the club, and anyone who wanted to contribute came to the weekly meetings.

My responsibilities:

  • Led weekly meetings
  • Presented progress to club on weekly basis
  • Managed tasks in Trello
  • Orchestrated development of all aspects of game into one cohesive experience
  • Designed gameplay
  • Programmed game systems